At Onslow Infant School we believe that a strong Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education is important to help our pupils develop into well-rounded members of society, who can make a positive contribution to their community. Our PSHE curriculum is strongly tied to our RSE and health education. The school covers the PSHE objectives through many different avenues, including our Values-Led Education and cross curricular links. Each child will have equal access to this subject regardless of gender, race, background or ability.
At Onslow Infant School, PSHE is taught in each class on a weekly basis through circle times and structured whole class lessons. In EYFS, teachers use current issues to plan their PSHE lessons, for example if there is an issue with sharing, alongside themes taken from the Early Years PSED Curriculum.
In order to deliver the core themes in KS1, we use the 'Go-Givers' PSHE scheme. This scheme uses structured, progressive plans. Children learn about their place in the community and the world. They discuss and celebrate how people are different to each other. Children set goals and think about their aspirations. Being and keeping healthy, both physically and mentally, are key elements that the children learn about and discuss. Children learn about friendships and family relationships and also think about how they themselves change and develop over time. Key themes are also taught in key stage and whole school assemblies across the year, including mental health, British Values, significant events and celebrations across the world.
All classes from Reception to Year 2 learn about 'The Colour Monster' story and this is used to help children identify different emotions. Over time, our pupils learn self regulation skills and are able to discuss different emotions that they recognise in themselves and others. We teach our pupils that all emotions are valid and there are different ways to express each one appropriately.
At Onslow Infant School we use a variety of ways to find out what the children know. Teachers frequently question children throughout lessons to gauge learning and understanding, particularly at the beginning and end of a lesson. Teachers monitor the use of the Colour Monster feelings station in EYFS to check in on how pupils are feeling each day. Every class has a worry box or worry monster and staff check throughout the day to see if any children have shared a worry. This leads to a one to one conversation with a child and any follow up action that is deemed appropriate, including reporting a safeguarding concern if necessary.
We encourage the children to talk and to shares ideas and experiences and their comments are noted on stickers, class observation grids and on Tapestry. At times, children may record their learning and photographic evidence is collected.
Monitoring includes scrutiny of work and pupil voice interviews. These ensure curriculum coverage and show children’s attitude to learning, and the quality of learning and teaching.