Welcome to Early Years!
We have two classes in the Early Years: Owl and Rabbit Classes. Click on the icons below to see more information about each particular class.
Please email the teachers on our year group email if you have any learning concerns or general comments: yearR@onslow.surrey.sch.uk
We teach phonics from the start of Reception. Our phonics teaching follows 'Read Write Inc' to ensure high quality teaching is consistent across the school.
Read Write Inc outlines a sequenced order to the learning of letter shapes, their names and the sounds that they represent when we read and spell. Year R teaching begins with 'Fred Talk' activities, where children are encouraged to hear, make and discriminate between different sounds all around them, alongside learning how to orally blend. They then move on to learning individual sounds (e.g. m, a, s - see the PDF above) and digraphs (e.g. sh, ch, ee).