Home Learning during periods of self-isolation
Approximate Directed Activity Time - 1.5 to 2 hours per day. Please post work to Tapestry.
Ideally, every day we would like children to do the following: Detailed tasks are below.
English work - 40 mins
Maths work - 40 mins
One piece of topic work - about 30 mins
Helping your child with home learning - what to do:
Reading (10 minutes).
· Please listen to your child read their school reading book or something similar. If you do not have a school reading book, you can use a picture book from home or an online book.
· Listen out for them reading confidently, without having to sound each word out individually.
· Can they read with expression? Please spend a few minutes talking about the book, what happened in the book, what they think about it and why etc.,
Phonics and Spelling (10 minutes)
· You can complete one of the spelling and phonics mats below (there are 3 different levels for each mat so that you can choose the best for your child) or · Visit Phonics Play
https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/, which is a great site to continue reading words and applying sounds. You can access many games for free.
· We are learning to identify phase 5 sounds in words and spell words with these sounds.
Writing (20 minutes)
· ‘Super Sentences’. The children should write at least 1 super sentence a day. This can be about anything they like. When they are writing ask them to practice what they want to say in their head before they write.
· Use a capital letter and full stop
· Leave spaces between words
· Sound out words and use the 'special friend' sounds they know. These sounds have 2 or 3 letters. Use the sound bank below if you need to. There may be more than one special friend that makes the same sound so write the word each way and spot the one that looks right from your reading.
For some children one really good sentence is enough, some will be able and keen to write more. Go with your child’s level of confidence and ability - this should be a fun activity. We have included some story setting pictures below that you can use to write about if you would like, but you can write about anything.
Maths (30 minutes)
· Log onto https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-1/ and select year 1 and spring term from the drop down menu. Select the current week (week 1 is 3/1/22, week 2 begins 10/1/22..)
. Children can follow the learning on the video and write their answers on a piece of paper or whiteboard. There is time built into the video for responding to questions but you can pause if longer time is needed.
· You could also count to 100 from any number and back.
Topic Learning (30 minutes) Choose one per day:
Science - Outdoor learning activities, if you have a garden only and do one of the following:
Design Technology - Follow a recipe and practise measuring all the ingredients. Practise measuring in different ways (length, weight, volume, time, temperature).
Find out which country the ingredients came from. Can you find these countries on a map?
design and make a card for family and friends.
Art - Draw and paint a spring plant from observation.
Draw your favorite creature.
Find out about an artist on Purple Mash by searching in the art area.
Geography - use a globe or an atlas to find the equator. Which countries does the equator run through. What can you find out about one of these countries? Write one sentence in your writing task for the day about this country.
Find the poles on the globe or map. What can you find out about these places? Write a sentence about the weather in the South Pole and an interesting fact.
PE - try to do some physical exercise each day. Go for a walk, dance to 3 pieces of music, visit jumpstartjonny or cosmic yoga online and complete one of the activities.