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Our Eco-Schools Journey

The committee is formed as follows:

YEAR 2 - Elections for two representatives from each of the Year 2 classes takes place in the September every year and once elected they will be members of the committee for the rest of the academic year.

YEAR 1 - Those children appointed as reception class representatives to the committee during the previous spring and summer terms continue in their role for the duration of Year 1 as they would have only been appointed for a very short time otherwise.

RECEPTION - One representative from each class is appointed from February each year and is joined by a second representative after the Easter break.


However, every child at the school is part of Eco-Schools!


Throughout our Eco-Schools journey we will have to cover a total of nine topics.  The first topic the children have chosen to work on is Litter.  We will be launching our campaign at the beginning of February 2016 to make everyone more aware of not dropping litter, tidying up and re-cycling more.  Re-cycling is also covered under another topic heading 'Waste'. 


February 2016 also sees the launch of our Environmental Patrol when children from each class will be taking it in turns each week to check the school grounds to either pick up litter; tidy up the entrance path area to the school including looking after the mosaic; weed certain areas or tidy up around the sandpit area.  Our Caretaker will be with the children and they will have appropriate clothing or equipment provided to help them.   



