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Admissions and Prospective Parents

Key dates for Reception Induction September 2024

We have a comprehensive transition programme to ensure your child settles quickly and happily into our school. Please note that we expect all children to attend each of the stay and play sessions to help with their smooth transition:

Summer Term:

  • We will be soon visiting or talking to pre-school settings to find out more about your child, their interests and where they are in their development. We will arrange this directly with your child’s setting, so please return your completed admission form as soon as possible. 

  • Saturday 15 June – Summer Fair 11:30am–2:00pm: You and your family are warmly invited to attend our school summer fair.

  • Tuesday 2 July – Stay and Play Session 1: You and your child will be invited to attend a one-hour stay and play session to get to know our EYFS classrooms, outside area and staff team. This will be either a morning or afternoon session (9.30-10.30am or 1.30-2.30pm).  New parent packs will be available to collect from the school office before the end of term (23 July 1:30pm).

  • Friday 5 July – Class Allocation Letter: You will receive a letter via email to inform you of your child’s class allocation and staff members for September. 

  • Tuesday 16 July - Parent and Carer webinar 7.30pm–8.15pm: We will be hosting a virtual meeting to give you all the information you need about your child starting school.


  • Tuesday 3 September 9.30–11am – Stay and Play Session 2: Your child will be invited to meet their class teachers and classmates on their own for the first time. They are then invited to stay for lunch with their parent or carer at 11am.

  • 3 - 6 September – Home Visits: You will be allocated a 20 minute slot during this week where your child’s class teacher and teaching assistant will visit your child at home.

  • Monday 9 September – Your child starts school: Morning only – pick up at 11:45am. 

  • Tuesday 10 September – All children will be full time.

 We are really looking forward to you joining our school family, further details will follow over the coming weeks.


New Parent Webinar - 16 July 2024

New Reception Parent Tours (for admission September 2025)

Please check back here in September for our tour dates for admission to Reception in September 2025.   

These tours usually take place during October and November.  In the meantime, you may wish to look at our video tour below.


Virtual Tour of Onslow Infant School

Still image for this video

General Admission Information

Surrey County Council is the admission authority for this school. To find up to date information about the school's admission arrangements and details on how to apply, either as part of the normal intake or during the school year, please use this link to the Surrey County Council website.


If you do not have Internet access at home you can use the internet at your local library for free. Just call 0300 2001001 to book a computer.

If you need to request a paper application form you can call 0300 200 1015. Please do not contact the school as we do not hold any supplies of this form.

For all other enquiries contact Surrey on 0300 200 1004.

Does your child have an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP)?
If your child has an EHCP (an education, health and care plan), you will receive a personalised admissions pack which will tell you how to apply for a school place.


Delaying when your child starts primary school

You can ask for your child to be held back a school year if the following both apply:

  • they were born in the summer (1 April to 31 August)
  • you don't think they are ready to start in the September after they turn 4

They could start in the September after their fifth birthday.

Contact the Surrey County Council, the school's admission authority to make a request.



Reception Video Tour

Still image for this video

Meet the Reception Teaching Team


Watch the videos below to see the Reception Teaching team reading a story.

The Gruffalo read by Mrs Pardoe

Meet Mrs Pardoe, Owl Class Teacher
