Lateness and Absence
Classrooms are open from 8:45am and lessons start promptly at 9:00am. It is important that your child arrives in school on time as lateness is disruptive not only to your child but to the teacher and the rest of the class. If your child arrives after 9:00am they must come into school via the school office.
If your child is not coming into school for any reason, or will be late, please phone the school office before 9:30am to explain. We may ask to see medical appointment letters or we may ask you to complete a ‘Leave of Absence’ form (attached below).
Holidays during term time
Please do not book holidays in term time. The school cannot authorise holidays and can only authorise other absences in exceptional circumstances. Surrey School Term dates can be found on the school website, on school newsletters and on the Surrey County Council website. Term dates are published for 2 years in advance, so please check there before you book your family holidays.
From 1st September 2013 new laws were introduced by the Government that schools have to follow with regard to authorising leave of absence from schools. Absence can now only be authorised in exceptional circumstances. Please click on the link below to read the letter sent to parents in July 2013 outlining the new regulations and how they affect you.
Please note that you may be fined in certain circumstances (penalty notice) by the authorities.
Should you decide to apply for leave of absence, the form is available below.
However PLEASE ENSURE YOU READ THE LETTER BELOW to ensure you understand whether your application is likely to be approved or not. If you are in any doubt please speak to someone in the school office or the headteacher.