Our Motto
Nurturing Confidence, Curiosity and Creativity
Vision Statement
At Onslow Infant School we believe that every child should enjoy their education and be happy, healthy and safe at school. We value our children and staff for their individuality, culture and heritage. We are committed to providing a place of excellence with high standards in a nurturing and supportive environment.
Children will know how to learn as well as acquire knowledge. They will have the opportunity to achieve their very best in their academic, creative, emotional and social, physical and moral development. Learning will be recognised and celebrated by children and adults.
The learning experience and environment will be creative, challenging, exciting, relevant and forward thinking.
Our school will always be a caring place where children and adults make a valuable contribution and are inspired to be creative, think for themselves and feel confident to meet new challenges.
Our children will respect themselves and others and have an understanding of their role in school and the wider community.
We believe effective partnerships between children, staff, parents, governors and the wider community are central to the success of our children.