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Year 2 - Activities to support your child at home



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Ideas to help you support your child's learning: Detailed tasks are below.


English work

  • Read to an adult or older sibling for 10 minutes
  • Practise some spelling or phonic work with an adult for 10 minutes
  • Complete a writing task from the ideas below. 20 mins

Maths work

  • Practise counting forwards and backwards.
  • Spend around 10-15 minutes completing a maths task on (more detail below in the math section)

Topic work

  • Complete one of our themed activities (Science, Geography, Art)



What to do:

Reading (15 minutes).

  • Please listen to your child read every day. They will have a reading for pleasure book and a Read Write Inc book.
  • Listen out for them reading confidently, without having to sound each word out individually. If they do struggle on a word, encourage them to use ‘robot arms’.
  • Can they read with expression, pausing appropriately at the punctuation? Model this by taking turns to read a page.
  • Please spend a few minutes talking about the book, what happened in the book, what they think about it and why?
  • Check if there are any words they do not understand and need to clarify or ask them to find a word in the book that means the same as……


Spelling (10 minutes)

  • Practise using the Year 2 ‘Spelling Belt’ words in sentences that you will find below.


         Writing (30 minutes)

  • There is an English activity booklet which can be downloaded below. This contains a variety of English activities including comprehension, spelling work and writing prompts. You should aim to complete one activity a day.
  • If your child would prefer, we have also shared some story setting pictures below that can be used to write about. Encourage your child to use the vocabulary to create a really interesting piece of writing.
  • Visit Phonics Play, which is a great site to continue reading words and applying sounds. You can access many games for free.

 A purple pen is used to edit writing after reading it back and spotting any marvellous mistakes such as errors in spelling, missed words or punctuation. Reading their work back and editing with an adult is an important part of the writing process so please take time to look at the work they have done each day. All letters should be written in cursive if your child is able to use cursive writing.


Maths (30 minutes)

Depending on your child’s confidence in maths:


  • Warm up by practising counting to 100 and back in 10s, 2’s and 5’s from any number. 
  • Or practise x2, x5 and x10 times tables and related division facts


Log onto and go to the current week. Children can follow the learning on the video and write their answers on a piece of paper or whiteboard. There is time built into the video for responding to questions but you can pause if longer time is needed.


If your child prefers, they can work through the Maths Activity booklet below. 

Science - Outdoor learning activities:

  • Learning the names of different flowering plants and trees.
  • Draw and label different parts of a plant (trees and flowers) include the parts of the plant that you can not see. What do these parts of the plant do?
  • Recognise the change in seasons – How do we know it is Autumn? (hours of daylight, seasonal changes, etc.)
  • Bug hunting and recording.
  • Create a weather diary and film your own weather report.



Stay active with


Change for life activities



  • Look at a map and see if you can find Turkey, where Florence worked in Scutari Hospital. 
  • Can you find Jamaica, where Mary Seacole was born?
  • Look at a map of London and see if you can find Pudding Lane.



To link to what your child would have been learning at school:

  • Sketch either Florence Nightingale or Mary Seacole.
  • Mix hot colours and paint a Great Fire scene.



Lessons to help your child think about their feelings during this time:

Year 2 - Autumn Term


Activities to help your child - what to do:  


  • Ask an adult or an older sibling to hear your child read their school reading book.
    If you do not have a school reading book, you can use a book from home or an online book
  • Encourage them to use 'Fred Talk' to sound out any unknown words and also discuss tricky words where we can’t use our sounds (words such as put, because, could etc)
  • Please talk to them about what they have read, perhaps ask them questions such as; What does this word mean on this page? Can you think of another word that means the same? Which bit made you feel…….? How does the character feel on this page - why? 



  • There is an English activity booklet which can be downloaded below. This contains a variety of English activities including comprehension, spelling work and writing prompts. You should aim to complete one activity a day.
  • If your child would prefer, we have also shared some story setting pictures below that can be used to write about. Encourage your child to use the vocabulary to create a really interesting piece of writing.
  • Visit Phonics Play, which is a great site to continue reading words and applying sounds. You can access many games for free.


  • You could practising counting to 20 and back, starting at any number and also counting in 10s, 2’s and 5’s to 100. (Please be aware of adverts on the following links as they are on youtube.)

Count to 100:

Counting in 2s:

Counting in 5s:

Number bonds to 10

Number bonds to 20 


  • Activity Books (10-15 minutes) Encourage your child to spend 10-15 minutes per day working through the activities in the maths practice book below. We have also shared some maths mats which can be used as an alternative to the maths booklet. There are 3 levels of mat for each day so that you can choose the best for your child. 


Topic Learning: 

Science - Outdoor learning activities, go outdoors if you have a garden and do one of the following: (if you do not have a garden, there is an activity sheet below) 

  • Learning the names of different flowering plants and trees.
  • Identifying the different parts of a plant.
  • Recognising the change in seasons – How do we know it is Autumn? (hours of daylight, seasonal changes)
  • Bug hunting and recording.


Design Technology - Make a cake and practise measuring all the ingredients. Practise       measuring in different ways (length, weight, volume etc)


    Computing - Uses of technology survey (download below) 

Art - Portraits, using any art materials you have at home, pencils, crayons, paint, etc., paint either a self-portrait or a portrait of someone in your family. 


Alternative ideas (Please feel free to use as needed):

Discovery Education.

  • Children can freely explore the resources in the KS1 section. There are activities for all areas of the curriculum with videos to watch and activities to play including Phonics and Maths resources. It is a closed site and safe for children to use independently.


Mini Project:  What is your child interested in? It could be linked to our topic – Into the Dark - or to another area of interest. Share it with your teachers in a mini project. You could:

  • Start a scrapbook, write and draw about their favourite character, person, animal etc.
  • Write letters or make cards for family and friends
  • Make a model
  • Create a PowerPoint presentation,
  • Make a fact file,
  • Create an information poster,
  • Create a piece of art
  • Write a story
  • Make your own quiz or puzzle
  • Write a song or rap,
  • Bake something
  • Make up a drama script,
  • Create your own word treasure hunt,
  • Make fact file flash cards

You can produce anything you like based on what you know and have found out – be as creative as you like.

